Wednesday, June 27, 2012

i have been there

i have been there.. and then people start to asking the same question.. been where??
been in the grey sky.. when i thought was never be colourful ever again...
i have been there.. 

it felt so much hurt.. so much in pain.. so much not fair..
then i start to asked my self.. do i have to be this pathedic ??

i have been there.. not because i wanted to.. but because i trapped..
i have been there..
when i think everyone would help me.. i was wrong..
yes.. i have been there..

do u know how it felt when u close ur eyes ,, u just couldn't find anyone but yourself.. n u just have to depends on yourself..
i have been there..
but then i know.. i learned,, that life was just not goes the way we wanted..

n people can't just be people that we expected them to be.. 
everything just taught me to be me now..

when i thought the sky will never be blue again.. suddenly it rains.. n then comes the rainbow..
i have been there..
when i thought the air will never be as clear as it was.. then it just brought the whisper from the mountain... n it so bright n clean..
i have been there..
when i wiped my tears i never thought that i will be smile again.. but then i close my eyes n then,, there it is.. the most beautiful thing from my life ...
i have been there..
i wish that was just a nightmare,, but then i realized it wasn't... it was real..
i have been there..

i learned.. been crushed.. been burned.. but then i have to get up again,, i have been there..
n then i learned.. loyalty,, humble,, respect,, love,, family,, best friends will stay .. i have been there.. 

when i think it was the end of my world,, i just found out that it was just  the beginning..
yes,, i have been there..
one day i will be an extra ordinary girl with extra ordinary heart..
not because i am lucky...
but because i know.. everything will have an end,,, n when it comes to the end.. it will depend on me... what will i choose .. be in totally control of my self.. that will be the one that i choose..

yes.. i have been there...

but ,, here i am ,, right now,, this time.. 
it is the brand new me,,, but i kept a little of myself.. yes,, i still have my heart,, n i never broke my promises...

see the sky??? see the sun?? see the moon??? see the stars?? 
they are there to do their job..
when they are so bright love them... then comes the rain enjoy them ,, n u will see the sun will be back but it will be back with the rainbow.. 

that is my life taught me.. every step of the way is worth it... every tears that it drops it's work.. every smile that caught me is hope...
 n u will learn how to get up when u were in the bottom of urself... no matter how many times u learn to get up u will do it... until u can stand again on ur feet...
 i have been there...
if i fail again.. i will get up n learn.. even it takes me hundred time to learn.. i will be up again.
cause ...i have been there

#Sarah Rachmadita

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